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CORE Residence @ TRX achieved 70 per cent take-up rate for Tower 1 and 2

NST • October 5, 2021

CCCG Overseas Real Estate Pte Ltd director Zhang Bao said there is still strong demand for high-end residential properties in Kuala Lumpur, as the capital's relatively affordable price per square feet.

KUALA LUMPUR: CORE Precious Development Sdn Bhd's (CPD) high-end freehold property development, CORE Residence @ TRX, has achieved a 70 per cent take-up rate for Tower 1 and 2.

CPD, a joint venture company between WCT Holdings Bhd and China Communications Construction Group (CCCG), aims to launch Tower 3 with an international hotel management partner.

Residential units at CORE Residence @ TRX have mainly been taken up by customers from more than 20 key Asian countries and regions.

According to some of the new homeowners, the project's unique competitive edge due to its central location, fair price in comparison to other countries, and guaranteed future appreciation are just a few reasons why it is a popular choice among expats.

CCCG Overseas Real Estate Pte Ltd director Zhang Bao said there is still strong demand for high-end residential properties in Kuala Lumpur, as the capital's relatively affordable price per square feet.

The city also offers great accessibility with integrated transport services and a high standard of living, making it a top expat or retirement destination for Asian buyers overseas.

"We are confident of achieving a 100 per cent take-up rate for CORE Residence @ TRX before its expected completion date in 2023," Zhang said in a statement today.

Despite the ongoing pandemic and several nationwide lockdowns, CPD said the company had generated a significant amount of sales in the past few months thanks to aggressive digital marketing efforts such as agent live-streams, virtual house tours and creative social media campaigns.

The project, which comprises two serviced residence towers and one serviced apartment tower, has reached level 12 in construction. The team is moving forward to the subsequent project phases smoothly.

"We are in the final stages of negotiation with our international hotel management partner, and we plan to launch Tower 3 very soon, depending on the condition of the pandemic in the country.

"Soon, CORE Precious is also looking to develop more prominent projects in other prime locations in the Kuala Lumpur area and nationwide.

"We are on the lookout for opportunities and will update our stakeholders appropriately when the time comes," Zhang said.  - NST

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